Our Dogs

Feora’s Son Of Anarchy CGC

Everything begins with Elliot. He is my first Collie, my other half, and my best friend. He is loud and opinionated. He’s well aware he is the resident, “best dog ever,” and doesn’t let me forget it. He comes to the coffee shop, to go drop mail at the post office, to visit friends on the weekends. He is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of who a Collie should be. Proud, confident, charismatic, smart, gentle, sensitive, while carrying himself with a sense of wisdom beyond his years. I cannot think of an instance where a person meeting him for the first time didn’t leave with, “wow, he really is the best dog.” He’s converted many to Collie lovers and has moved the breed to the top of people’s lists when thinking of adding another dog. Elliot is incredible in every sense of the word. I would not have, and could not, became who I am today without him by my side.

GCH CH SugarNSpice Creekwood Ha Cha Cha

Cha Cha. Where do I begin. Cha Cha was a big learning curve for me when it came to dog training. She’s smarter than I am, keenly aware of every little thing going on, and ready to charge into battle at a moment’s notice. Her drive is unparalleled and never ending. She is always moving at her own pace and you better keep up. She is the queen of the castle and demands to be treated as such. She sleeps on my pillows, under the blanket, and will be highly offended if you disturb her beauty sleep. While full of fire and attitude, she also loves to snuggle, get a good butt scratch, and be told she is the most beautiful girl in the world. I remember an instance where my nephew, who was three at the time, had taken a fall. Cha Cha near by, though not a witness to the accident, immediately came sprinting to him as soon as she heard the sobs. She ran there with all that determination and power she carries herself with but once by his side she melted down to be the teddy bear he needed to hold in that moment. Cha Cha is many things all at once, and she is most certainly one of a kind.

tri smooth collie

Adamo SugarNSpice The Songbirds Are Singing

Stevie is my sleepy princess. She loves her naps, a fresh fluffy bed, and to cuddle first thing in the morning. She is easy going, sweet as pie, and you cannot keep her away from a child. She will follow a kid wherever they may lead her, no questions asked. She loves going for walks through town to smile and wag at everyone we pass. Stevie while seemingly laid back and unbothered, is very smart and ready to go work when asked. She has good drive and quite an attitude hidden beneath all those blankets she snuggles under. She is a brilliant blend of sweet and sassy.

Adamo SugarNSpice Why Don’t We Just Dance

Turner is a tornado of happiness and rainbows heading towards the closest human with as much force as he can muster. He is a lover through and through, his people are his happy place. He is the loudest of the collies here; an avid storyteller of his day and very keen to express his opinions. He is a source of light in our home and always knows when you need some extra love. He’s a special boy and he knows it.

CH Adamo SugarNSpice Nothing Left To Lose

Janis finds humor in doing the bad thing. She likes to open the fridge and anything with a twist cap; expecting a reward for her fun tricks. She’s smarter than I am and has made me work for her partnership in all the things we do. Janis is the definition of, “What’s in it for me?” She wants to think and wants to work, but if it’s more fun to work alone than it is to work with me she’ll put on the breaks with a clear, “I’m done.” I think she teaches me more than I teach her. She is a secret sweetie pie and will send a fast paw into your lap when looking for a pat. Her expressive eyes smile at you with a love so clear you cannot help but feel lucky to be on the receiving end of her affection.

Adamo SugarNSpice Domestic Goddess

Roseann or Rosie, as we affectionately call her, is an upcoming young girl who is unbelievably sweet. She’ll say “Hi!” to any stranger, mannequin or even the occasional garden gnome; always happy to make a new friend, human or otherwise- she is a social butterfly to the fullest. Everyday is a good day in Rosie’s world. She wants to cuddle and snuggle and doesn’t like when you don’t bring her with you to take the trash out. She’s curious and bold, with just enough sass to keep things interesting.